Friday, March 23, 2012


As I was travelling through Wisconsin a few weeks ago, I was
amazed and impressed about the positivity and ingenuity of some of our WORLD
CLASS Fireworks customers. These
retailers are constantly coming up with new and dynamic ways to market and
display catchy and colorful items. The
technology and cutting-edge electronics that are being utilized in many stores
today would have been unfathomable in a fireworks location even five years
ago. Embracing change is never easy, but
this constant improvement has really transformed fireworks and allowed our
industry to grow exponentially while other industries have declined!

At Jake’s Fireworks, we urge you to keep up the good work
and allow technology and multimedia devices to make a home in your store. As the world becomes more digital and mobile,
find a way to differentiate yourself against your competition. Make full use of our media files on to show your
customers what World Class Fireworks look like!
And as always, keep us informed about the constant changes in your
marketplace and in the fireworks industry.
As partners with YOU, we plan to grow TOGETHER to make this the best
fireworks season yet!!!!!

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